先生への信頼・金鹿の学級 Trust in the Professor (Golden Deer)
(金鹿の教室 夜)
Golden Deer Classroom | Evening
ヒルダ: あーあ、我らが級長が食い倒れてるわー。ま、彼はほっといて……先生、お疲れ様!
Hilda: Ugh, I can't believe our house leader ate so much he passed out. I guess he should just...sleep it off? Oh, Professor! Great work today!
イグナーツ: 先生とクロード君がいれば、金鹿の学級は無敵ですね!
Ignatz: As long as we have you and Claude, the Golden Deer House is unstoppable!
ローレンツ: クロードはいてもいなくても勝てたろうが、先生なしで勝利するのは難しかったな。
Lorenz: I am sure we did not require Claude for our victory, but it certainly would not have been possible without our professor.
リシテア: ふふっ、先生の学級で良かったです。わたしたちの良さを引き出してくれましたから。
Lysithea: Haha! I'm so please to be in your class, Professor. You truly bring out the best in us.
ラファエル: オデはまだ戦いたりねえ!先生と一緒にまた戦いてえ!
Raphael: Let's keep fighting! And winning!
レオニー: いや、師匠仕込みの用兵は流石だったよ。わたしももっと頑張らないとね。
Leonie: I knew the tactics you learned from the captain would be something else. I better work harder to catch up!
フレン: わたくしも、このような体験ができて……改めてお礼を申し上げますわ、先生。
Flayn: I have had the opportunity to experience much. Please allow me to offer you my gratitude once more, Professor.
マリアンヌ: 先生のおかげで、私も足手まといにならずに済みました……ありがとうございます。
Marianne: Because of you, I managed to get through the fight without feeling like a burden. Thank you, Professor.
ヒルダ: レアさまもセテスさまも、先生のことすっごく褒めてたみたいよー。
Hilda: I hear Lady Rhea and Seteth are singing your praises too!
Choice 1: 皆が頑張ったからだ You all worked hard. (Claude ⤴)
ヒルダ: またまたーご謙遜を。
Hilda: You're always so modest!
Choice 2: 相手も強かった Our opponents were strong too.
ヒルダ: まー、それは否定しないけどねー。
Hilda: Well, I certainly can't deny that.
Choice 3: まだ本気じゃない Just wait until you see my true power. (Hilda ⤴)
ヒルダ: おー、言ってくれますなー。
Hilda: Oh, wow! I don't doubt it.
クロード: いやあ、本当に流石だよ、先生は!……敵に回したくないほどにねえ。
Claude: You really showed them, Teach! I would really hate to be on your bad side.
ヒルダ: ん……?あれ、クロードくん復活したんだ。
Hilda: Oh, look. Claude has been revived.
クロード: 天才的な用兵に加えて、解放王の遺産まで使いこなす。いやいやご立派なもんだ。
Claude: Your tactics were ingenious, and you've somehow mastered the power of the King of Liberation's Relic. You really are incredible.
Though you can be a bit absentminded at times. Your mind is like a giant bowl with a tiny crack in it...
ヒルダ: クロードくーん? そういうこと言うと、あなたの器が小さく見えるけど。
Hilda: Claude, saying that only makes your own mind bowl seem tiny.
クロード: そりゃあ心外だな!俺の器の大きさときたら、先生の上を行く。
Claude: How dare you! My bowl is much bigger than Teach's!
Unfortunately, it doesn't just have a crack. The whole bottom of my bowl is missing.
リシテア: つまり、抜けているのは先生でなくて、クロードってことですね。
Lysithea: In other words, you are the absentminded one, not our professor.
イグナーツ: 確かに、自分で認めちゃいましたもんね。
Ignatz: That's true. He just admitt.
マリアンヌ: ふふっ……。
Marianne: Hehe!
レオニー: お、マリアンヌが笑うなんて珍しいね。あんた、笑顔のほうが可愛いよ?
Leonie: It's unusual to hear you laughing, Marianne. Your smile is really cute.
ローレンツ: そうだとも! 君は自分の本当の魅力に気づいていな……コホン。失礼。
Lorenz: I agree. You really don't know how beauti― Eh... Never mind.
ヒルダ: こうやって、みんなで笑い合えるのは、気分が良いねー、本当に!
……あっ! 見て見て。中庭で誰かが逢引きを……。
Hilda: It feels so great to laugh and joke around like this, doesn't it?
Hm? Well, look at that. Someone's having a secret rendezvous in the courtyard...
クロード: さっきはああ言ったが、俺は正直、先生の器を測りかねてる。
Claude: All joking aside, I'm having trouble sizing you up, Teach.
The honest truth is that I'd hate to have you as an enemy. If possible, I wish for you to fight by my side.
If I could use the Sword of the Creator, we wouldn't even be having this conversation.
I bet if I could use it, you would trust me to... Right?
That selflessness may be what I like best about you.